Monday, August 29, 2011

How Great Leaders Inspire Action - The Golden Circle

Recently while researching an idea, I came across an inspiring talk on TED.  I want to share this particular talk with followers of our HBV Blog as I feel this is a very powerful concept that can help us understand why some business are more successful than others, why some people are more inspiring leaders than others, and why some communications are more effective.  First, for those not familiar with TED, a short introduction.

For those who are unfamiliar with TED - TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.  It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader.  Today the TED website,, offers the best talks and performances from TED and partners available to the world, for free. More than 900 TEDTalks are now available, with more added each week.

TED believes passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.  TED is a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other.

If you have never visited the TED website, I encourage you to spend a few minutes browsing the site and becoming familiar with it.  You may find an inspiring idea or thought, or even have one of your own you wish to share with others.  I often consult TED when I am looking for thoughts to help explain or clarify ideas I am working on.

Now for the TED talk I wish to share.

Why is Apple so successful?  Why was Martin Luther King such an inspirational leader?  Why did the Wright brothers succeed in achieving the first powered flight?  It turns out the answer is both simple and powerful.  It is all embraced within the idea of the "Golden Circle" of what, how, and why.

Please take a few minutes and watch the video at this web link:

I think you will find Simon Sinek has distilled a very powerful idea into an easily understood and well communicated 18 minute TED Talk.  I encourage you to be inspired by this as well.  Think about how it may apply to your own endeavors.  Most of all, I believe it will help you understand a path to more effective communication.  Enjoy Simon Sinek's TED talk and think about how you can apply to your life and efforts.

I will let Simon speak for his own idea as he does an outstanding job in communicating his insight.

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